Wow Its amazing.. got selected to GSoC for the Second time! After the successful GSoC 2010 with Apache PhotArk, I was determine to participate in this year's GSoC as well.
Like last time I only focused on one organization, this time its OpenMRS.
I was attracted to OpenMRS because of its motto “Write Code. Save lives.” and now after looking at its active community I have become more passionate in contributing to OpenMRS.
This year I applied three proposal, where two looked quite easy but one did not. But apparently I got selected to the hard one, and which is the one I liked most :)
I like this because its challenging and interesting. Further I too got two good mentors; Daniel Kayiwa, the primary mentor, and Shaun Grannis as Backup Mentor. I'm very Excited to work with them :)
Project Starts now ...